Westmuir High School
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Physical Education


At Westmuir P.E. is designed to develop young people as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors through the continued development of a P.E. curriculum which is dynamic, innovative and flexible to meet the needs of all our learners – in line with the National Development, Curriculum for Excellence.
The Physical education experiences aims to :-
1. To maintain and stimulate pupil interest and enjoyment in Physical Education and to promote health and fitness for current and future lifestyles.
2. To enable young people to see Physical Education as:
·        A major feature in our lives related to leisure, employment and culture.
·        Part of a wider body of knowledge and skills eg. interpersonal and problem solving skills (to include analysis and evaluation of Physical Education issues in certificate course).
3. To enable young people to:
·        Use safe practices and to appreciate its importance in Physical Education.
·        Understand the role of exercise in a fit and healthy lifestyle.
·        Experience a setting where they feel accepts and valued.
4. To enable young people to develop a range of desirable personal qualities such as politeness, co-operation, perseverance, initiative and independence. The establishment of pupil self esteem through the development of physical confidence is of a major importance.
To encourage young people to work independently and as part of a team in carried activities so as Physical Education contributes to the development of core skills such as communication.
5. To employ teaching methods and resources that allow all young people (irrespective of their gender, ethnic origin, academic ability etc) to have equal opportunities and to experience success and enjoyment in the Physical Education work.
6. a) To provide opportunities for formal certification at an appropriate
          level in Physical Education.
    b) To allow young people to develop informed opinions and to be able
          to support them by reasonable arguments (particularly in certificate