Westmuir High School
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Covid 19
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Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you for working with us to help keep our school community safe. A reminder that if you or any of your household develops symptoms then they must self-isolate and book a PCR Test. Test & Protect will guide you through the new procedures from this point forward.


A test should be booked as soon as possible for anyone who has symptoms. If a test is required, you can arrange this via NHS inform: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19/test-and-protect/coronavirus-covid-19-testing


As a reminder, symptoms include:

  • a high temperature or fever
  • a new continuous cough
  • a loss of, or change in sense of smell or taste


A test is not needed unless you have symptoms or the Test & Protect team ask you to get a test. If your child does have a negative test, and has no symptoms, your child can return to school without further self-isolation.